Fascinating fact about Electricity & Gravity


In general, electricity is thought of as something that flows through the conducting wires. As simple example a battery connected to a light bulb.

In formal educational institution also this concept is adopted as it gives as an easy method to perform further calculations that are necesarry. However, the behaviour of electricity is not that simple. The physics involved in the flow of electrical energy is much more complex. A flow of current through a conductor involves a wave known as Electro-Magnetic wave.

Further more, current is usually defined as flow of electrons. But in real, no electron moves from its place. The flow of current is nothing but every electron transferring the electrical potential energy to its adjacent atom and this chain continues. Hence, electricity is nothing but flow of energy.

This concept is very well explained by Veritasium on his channel. Check it out.

Gravity: Its not a force!

We are generally taught that gravity is a force. It is a force which keeps everything from flying away from the Earth. Newton's Gravitional Law states that,

"Any particle of matter in the universe attracts any other with a force varying directly as the product of the masses and inversely as the square of the distance between them"

While this law explains a lot about how gravity appears to work, the reality is far from this. Here's when Einstein came into picture. He formulated his own law of gravitation which is now know as Einstein's theory of general relativity. It explains gravity as

"a distortion of space (or more precisely, spacetime) caused by the presence of matter or energy."

This concept is also very well explained by Veritasium on his channel. Check it out.