Must Watch Podcasts

Joe Rogan feat. Naval Ravikant

Naval Ravikant is an Angel Investor in Silicon Valley.

This is one of the best podcasts on YouTube on 'How to live your life'. Mr. Naval Ravikant is an excellent speaker and her very beautifully explains a lot of concepts relating to finance, philosophy and how to be rich doing what you love.

Naval talks about how to get rich without getting lucky. His philosophy is,

"You can get rich by giving the world what it needs but doesn't know how to get yet, at scale."

He talks about identifying and acquiring specific knowledge and use your specific knowledge to create a leverage. Once you do this, nothing can stop you from getting rich. He also explores the philosophical question of "What is the meaning of life?".

There is an excellent book which has penned down his life journey and all his tweet storms. The book is called The Almanack Of Naval Ravikant.

The Ranveer Show feat. Kunal Shah

Kunal Shah is the founder of a Unicorn StartUp - CRED

In this podcst he shares his vision about how the younger generation has the ability to transform India. The discussion revolves around how a person should approach the work he is doing with a great passion. He mentions the importance of the journey that one has to go through.

We generally only focus on one event. An event of success or failure. But life is so much more about just those events. It is more about what someone went through to arrive at that success. There is no overnight success. The outcome seems overnight but the work that has been put to arrive at that outcome is only known by the person who has done it.

He also speaks about how India is basically a status driven society rather than begin wealth driven. Majority of people here are busy in just playing the status game. Very few are focusing on the wealth game. To find out more about these things I suggest you watch the podcast.